Welcome to the Twin Rivers Reading Council homepage; a council of the North Carolina Reading Association.
July 23, 1987
Celebrating 30 years in 2017
The Twin Rivers Reading Council is an award-winning member of the North Carolina Reading Association.
Vision: The Twin Rivers Reading Council advocates the advancement of literacy in the 21st century throughout our global community.
Mission: Through community outreach and the collaboration of educators, businesses and families, the Twin Rivers Reading Council will promote literacy and a lifelong love of reading.
Who We Are: The Twin Reading Rivers Council is made up of people in Craven and Pamlico counties that interested in promoting literacy and encouraging a love of reading.
What We Do: The Twin Rivers Reading Council meets periodically throughout the school year to share literacy and reading ideas. We organize "Reading Fun Day," facilitate the "Young Authors" and "Forever Young" writing program, as well as donate books to local families and children.