The theme for the Young Authors' Project for 2024-2025 is Lighting the Way to Literacy: A Beacon Towards a Brighter Future
Guidelines *All entries must be original creations. *Only 1 writing entry per author may be submitted. (NOTE: Authors may also choose to submit for the art contest, but again, may only submit one piece of writing and one piece of art, total). *All entries must have participated in a local level judging before being submitted for the state judging. *Please remember that these pieces will be published in a book for authors in kindergarten through adulthood, and that all entries (art and writing) should be appropriate for a wide audience that includes young children. If an entry is deemed too mature for young audiences, it will not be included in the book, so please carefully consider the topic you choose before submitting.
Format (All entries (writing and art) should use THIS TEMPLATE to ensure they are formatted correctly) *Use 10 point, “Times New Roman” font, single spaced, for the body of the piece. *Include an original title, typed in bold, 12 point type, with only the first letter of each major word in the title capitalized. *Include author information after the body of the piece. *Skip two lines and then center the following information in 10 point: IMPORTANT: Please use the student’s preferred name to ensure consistency from submission to publishing. Author’s First and Last Name, Grade ______ (numerical) or Forever YoungTeacher: Name (Teacher’s First and Last Name) School Name Local Council Name
Entry Length Limits It is easy to check word count by using the Tools button in Google Docs. Be sure to check all entries to ensure they meet entry requirements BEFORE submitting for state judging. Any entry submitted to the state level will be disqualified if it exceeds the word limit (by more than 5 words). Grades Pre-K-1:200 WORDS Grades 2-5: 300 WORDS Grades 6-8:400 WORDS Grades 9-12 and Forever Young: 500 W0RDS
Art Entries *The designs must be original ideas and clearly connect with the theme. *Art must be vertical top to bottom (portrait) and 8.5”x11”.